The Author

Mary Jane Bayliss (alias “Yellow Flower”) was born in Birmingham, England, in 1963, and migrated to Australia with her family in 1965. Growing up in Morgan, a town on the River Murray in South Australia, Mary was exposed to the Australian flora, with which she fell in love, and collected in the hundreds every type of seedpod and nut species she could find.

Many creations came forth. In 1980, the first nut man was created. He was first called a “Morganite.” This was enough to begin an amazing journey into the world of Nutley characters and creatures that brought joy to many people, including their creator, the “nut lady.” Anything was possible for this multi-talented artist, who turned nature’s gifts into magnificent pieces of Australian art.

At the age of twenty-five, Mary travelled to tropical North Queensland, living for a year in absolute paradise. She had begun the most amazing spiritual journey she could have ever imagined.

In 1992, and back in South Australia, Mary brought forth her greatest creation, her beautiful son, Calum, and another journey of a different sort began. The joys of motherhood inspired her even more to write for children. During this time she opened a spiritual bookshop where she pursued her psychic readings and went forth to become a Reiki master, medium, and teacher of spiritual wisdom and healing.

Eventually, in 2002, and now back in Queensland, Mary began using her skills to create her illustrations in computer graphics. Many stories have accumulated over time, leading to the manuscript of Nutlidge, her novel. The synchronicities that took place during the writing of Nutlidge were incredible! She published the novel in 2005, and it is now in the throes of republishing it.

And now, Mary introduces the children’s books, Curley Gum Visits The Park, and Curley Gum Visits The Market, for children aged 3 to 8 years.

There is far more to life than what we are led to believe.

Now, at age sixty, Mary has begun her journey into publishing her books for all the world to see.